Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Mother of a nearly one year old...

Can someone please explain to me how one year has almost passed with this amazing little boy? 

While I was pregnant I was repeatedly told by other parents that time goes so very very quickly once you have children, and to savour every moment. I took this advice on bored and I know that I have made the most of every moment with this little person my husband and I created. It's a crazy thing having a baby... It completely messes with your head, nothing feels the same anymore apart from your love of your husband or partner, everything in life changes. It's hard to adjust you feel so full of emotions some good and some bad, you feel love, joy, extreme tiredness, guilt, self doubt and self worth. (Just to name a few emotions) it's a total roller coaster. 

I have loved every minute of being a mother to Harry Alexander, and I'm so excited for future adventures with my family. My priorities in life have changed... I don't care for much anymore, nothing material can make my life more full of love and happiness. 

In this year I have had less sleep, at times less confidence and more love and joy than I could ever put into words. There have been good day and bad but mostly good, it's been tough and amazing and perfect in every way and there is nothing that I would change. I now have a full blown coffee addiction and my body isn't what it was but its ok, in fact I think I'm more confident now than I have ever been because I have respect for myself and for my husband, we planned to grow this gorgeous child and we were lucky to do so easily. My body has been through so much and has coped with pain that's unimaginable to anyone who hasn't given birth. But I did it and I'm so proud of myself and my husband for supporting me. 

Life has changed so much, we often have a laugh about how a lay in is now 7am! But life is fuller, has more purpose and so much extra love! 

People often say oh it's not the right time to have children yet, and put things off, the truth is there is no right time, you will still have less money, no me time and probably be the most tired you've ever been, you will bicker with your husband because your both tired and you will feel frustrated that you don't always know what to do. Your home will still look like a bombs gone off in it for the weeks after having a baby and let's face it probably years! But you will be the happiest you have ever been, you will feel more love than you ever have before. And it will be truly the best time of your life. 

Harry is a beautiful bright, happy, smiley  little boy, he likes routine (thank god so do I) change worries him and if we have a "new" day it must be followed by a relaxed day at home. He loves the outdoors, animals and mud! He wakes frequently in the night but has always napped well. He has two bottom teeth and a gorgeous head of hair. He is kind and loving and gives the best kisses. His favourite food is banana closely followed by hard boiled agg and toast.  I really couldn't be prouder of him and I know that my husband feels the same. 

My hope is that he grows up to always be happy and have a life full of love and never feeling alone. We would give him the world if we could. I'm so sad that he is growing up but I have loved watching him grow... My heart is full and I can't wait to watch this little one discover and learn new things every day with his mummy and daddy right behind him, teaching him and helping him but giving him the independence he needs. 

Happy nearly first birthday little one, mummy and daddy love you to the mood and back. Xxx 

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