Friday 28 August 2015


I haven't blogged in what seems forever, that's not because I haven't wanted too but more because I haven't felt that I had anything I wanted to blog about... Obviously I could talk all day about Harry and how much I love being his mum but I'm pretty sure the small audience I'm writing to would get tired of that. However I do want to blog about this, and this has been on my mind for some time, I haven't realised that I needed to write about it until today. 

I have recently been feeling an extreme sense of calm, and over the last few months I have mistaken that feeling for numbness or confusion or tiredness however I've discovered that I'm actually just happy. This isn't because everything is going the way I want in life or that I'm a millionaire in fact at times it's been quite the opposite. However I'm happy. I don't feel angry about anything really and if I do feel angry it's brief and passes without me even showing an emotion other than smiling to myself. For those of you that know me will be aware that I am prone to a major drama queen melt down from time to time. However suddenly this doesn't seem to happen. I've discovered that the reason behind this is because my happiness is strong, and that criticism, nastiness or unfortunate events can't stop me from being happy because I've chosen to be happy. 

I've always been a glass half full kind of girl and I know that my positive vibes can irritate people but I guess that's just who I am and I'm ok with that. In fact I'm ok with who I am. I don't think I'm perfect far from it in fact. But I'm ok and happy to be me. The reason I felt the need to blog about this is because I have never felt ok with who I am and the fact that I do now is quite momentous. I'm glad I am the way I am, I don't like my negative attributes but I accept them for being me and actually it's ok. My life is far from perfect and I'm far from perfection yet I'm finding myself to be so happy every single day. Not all day but for the most part I am happy. 

I wonder if this feeling of content will last? I think it will and I certainly hope it does . But for now I just want to enjoy this feeling of being happy being me. It's something I've never experienced and realising what this feeling is is really wonderful. 

I also know that I will probably get some stick for this post, people may misunderstand me and think that I'm preaching or boasting but I'm not I just needed to put this into words. 

Tuesday 16 June 2015

Harry's 13 month update

Harry turned 13 months on the 10th of June, originally I wasn't going to do an update as there had been no major changes but on the 10th Harry took his first steps on his own! 

I'm so super proud of him, he has gone from just holding a finger to walking and nearly running on his own. 

I'm pretty sure that I have said this each month but this phase is my favourite! Watching him turn into a toddler is the most fun, I love watching him expire things at a new level. 

Another change is that Harry is now back to two naps again! I'm sure he just keeps changing to keep me on my toes! We seem however to be in a really good routine now and we are all happier for it. I'm the sort of person who thrives from routine and knowing what comes next. 

Harry is also now eating a much wider range of foods, he loves pasta and the messier the sauce the better. 

Harry is still waking once or twice a night for a milk feed from me and I am still breastfeeding 3 times a day. Basically before each nap and then at bedtime. As much as I want to start to drop the breast feeding I also want to continue until we are both ready. In the short time I have been a parent I have learn that if you force something before you are both ready you make things worse and so much harder. 

Harry is still in 12-18 month clothes and 5+ nappies. He has 4 front teeth and is as gorgeous and perfect as ever. 

Thursday 21 May 2015

Things are changing.

Since becoming a mother I have realised that you have to be able to adapt to constant change, some of which you are ready for and some you are so not prepared for. I have found that with Harry, he is always ready for the next step and I am left trying to catch up and adjust to the "new" thing. 

For me I am now going through the "new" thing that I have found the hardest to deal with so far, Harry has now gone from two good naps a day to one quite short one! This has come as such a shock and something that I'm not remotely ready for! I had been very lucky and been able to have two hours to myself in the morning then another hour in the afternoon (I'm sure that some parents will really envy that!) although Harry thinks he is ready for this sudden napping change I can see that he isn't quite as ready as he thinks but no power I posses can change his mind. The last 10 days have been challenging, with tantrums, tears and not much sleep and that's just been me! However I now feel as though we are both settling into the new routine and although I'm missing my me time I'm hopeful that Harry might now sleep through the night... Haha I know silly to think this right! 

The next big thing that will happen is walking, Harry isn't quite there yet but I can see it on the horizon. 

How do you lovely parents cope with change? For me it brings on anxiety and OCD both things I have always suffered with. Or perhaps my OCD didn't show so much when I had more time to complete my cleaning tasks during the day who knows?! 

I'd love to hear about the changes that your babies and you yourself are going through. 

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Harry's 1 year update.

I've decided to start doing some updates on Harry, probably every 6 months, I wish I had don't this sooner while he was a tiny baby. 

Harry is now one and I seriously love this stage although I'm pretty sure I've said that about every stage! 
His routine has changed slightly, he now takes a shorter nap in the morning at around 9am for an hour followed by a longer two hour nap at around 1pm. It's taking some getting used to as I had settled into his previous routine so much! However it does mean that we can now leave the house between 10am and 1pm  so we can make earlier play dates. Whereas before we were never ready to leave the house before 12.30.

Harry is now standing on his own for a few moments and walking with either his push along walker or holding mummy and daddy's hands. He is very close to walking and appears to prefer to stand up than be sat down. 

Harry has also started to really show his character, he has strong feeling of what he likes and dislikes and has also started to show a preference in toys, for example he loves toys with lots of moving parts especially wheels and anything that he can lift up to reveal something behind. 

Harry has also began to understand words and sentences for example "no" and "sit on your bottom" (this is always used if we are having something to eat and he isn't in his high chair) he is still saying mamma, dada, baba, and will make sounds that sound like words, he makes a sound that myself and my husband know means doggy but he isn't actually saying it. 

Sleep has changed a lot since he has turned one, he now only wakes once a night unless he is poorly or teething, this has made such a difference! Much better than the 3-8 times a night he was waking before. 

Harry is eating 3 meals a day and one snack depending on the day. He will eat a wide range ovf vegetables, meat and fish. Roast chicken is a particular favourite closely followed by salmon. And currently grapes are his favourite fruit. 
He has now cut down to 4 breast feeds during the day and one a night and I don't think it will be long before he drops the morning feed and the night feed. I am in no rush to stop breastfeeding and would prefer to let him self wean, originally I wanted to wean at one year but I don't feel that waiter of us are quite ready so providing he stops between now and two years I am quite happy. 

Harry adores the outdoors and always wants to be outside, this is perfect for our lifestyle as both me and my husband love to be in the garden. 

Harry now has two bottom front teeth and a top front tooth that 1/4 out! And a full head of hair. He is looking more like a toddler and less like a baby every day, his clothes are size 12-18 months and he is going to get his first pair of proper shoes this week, ready for him to start walking. 

For me I have no more recovering from birth, I am now back to my pre baby weight my hair has grown back and my monthlys are also back to normal. (Sorry for tmi but I want to be honest) 

I will do another update for Harry when he is 18 months. Let me know if you enjoyed this post, as this blog is as much for you guys as it is for me. 

Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Mother of a nearly one year old...

Can someone please explain to me how one year has almost passed with this amazing little boy? 

While I was pregnant I was repeatedly told by other parents that time goes so very very quickly once you have children, and to savour every moment. I took this advice on bored and I know that I have made the most of every moment with this little person my husband and I created. It's a crazy thing having a baby... It completely messes with your head, nothing feels the same anymore apart from your love of your husband or partner, everything in life changes. It's hard to adjust you feel so full of emotions some good and some bad, you feel love, joy, extreme tiredness, guilt, self doubt and self worth. (Just to name a few emotions) it's a total roller coaster. 

I have loved every minute of being a mother to Harry Alexander, and I'm so excited for future adventures with my family. My priorities in life have changed... I don't care for much anymore, nothing material can make my life more full of love and happiness. 

In this year I have had less sleep, at times less confidence and more love and joy than I could ever put into words. There have been good day and bad but mostly good, it's been tough and amazing and perfect in every way and there is nothing that I would change. I now have a full blown coffee addiction and my body isn't what it was but its ok, in fact I think I'm more confident now than I have ever been because I have respect for myself and for my husband, we planned to grow this gorgeous child and we were lucky to do so easily. My body has been through so much and has coped with pain that's unimaginable to anyone who hasn't given birth. But I did it and I'm so proud of myself and my husband for supporting me. 

Life has changed so much, we often have a laugh about how a lay in is now 7am! But life is fuller, has more purpose and so much extra love! 

People often say oh it's not the right time to have children yet, and put things off, the truth is there is no right time, you will still have less money, no me time and probably be the most tired you've ever been, you will bicker with your husband because your both tired and you will feel frustrated that you don't always know what to do. Your home will still look like a bombs gone off in it for the weeks after having a baby and let's face it probably years! But you will be the happiest you have ever been, you will feel more love than you ever have before. And it will be truly the best time of your life. 

Harry is a beautiful bright, happy, smiley  little boy, he likes routine (thank god so do I) change worries him and if we have a "new" day it must be followed by a relaxed day at home. He loves the outdoors, animals and mud! He wakes frequently in the night but has always napped well. He has two bottom teeth and a gorgeous head of hair. He is kind and loving and gives the best kisses. His favourite food is banana closely followed by hard boiled agg and toast.  I really couldn't be prouder of him and I know that my husband feels the same. 

My hope is that he grows up to always be happy and have a life full of love and never feeling alone. We would give him the world if we could. I'm so sad that he is growing up but I have loved watching him grow... My heart is full and I can't wait to watch this little one discover and learn new things every day with his mummy and daddy right behind him, teaching him and helping him but giving him the independence he needs. 

Happy nearly first birthday little one, mummy and daddy love you to the mood and back. Xxx 

Monday 2 March 2015

Spring is on its way...

Hello you lovely lot, I'm so sorry that I haven't blogged in forever! It's so hard when you are a mummy to find the time to sit down and write a blog post, especially as the to do list is always so long. I hope that you are all well and enjoying the fact that it is now the 2nd of March, that means only 18 more days until it's officially SPRING! 

For me spring is such an exciting time, everything is coming back to life after a long winter, you get longer days and more sunshine yet it's still cool enough to enjoy snuggling up by the fire and wearing your favourite knitwear. (I love knitwear so it's a bonus for me) However spring this year is bittersweet, on the one hand I'm so excited for spring and long lazy days in the sunshine, eating outside, trips to the beach, and washing blowing in the breeze... But spring also means that my baby boy will be one year old and I'm just not ready! Although I'm very excited to plan his first birthday party! 

Yesterday as it was the 1st of March we decided to have a slow day at home, a long walk and then home for a very yummy roast dinner. Usually we spend our weekends rushing around seeing friends and family but we have made a decision to always have one day of the weekend at home just the three of us, precious family time. 

Yesterday was the most perfect day for a walk with our three dogs, Tilly (the smallest yellow dog) Jake (the big yellow dog on the right) and Kai our black beauty. Harry adores the dogs and so do we, even if they can be very naughty it only adds to their charm! 

We took our walk down to a stream where the dogs and the Husbando all played in the water, I look forward to watching Harry have a paddle here when he is older. 
Fresh air and sunshine are the perfect recipe for an afternoon nap and eating a roast, so that's exactly what we did. 
I feel so refreshed after a day of it just being the three of us, it reminds you that although there is always so much to do its so important to slow down, stop thinking and start living. 

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunny first of March. 

Friday 6 February 2015

Park life...

Recently we have started to make the most of our local park and beautiful mere, it's about 4 miles from where we live and we have never really explored this area until this week. It's also something that costs nothing so is great if your trying to save pennies! 

We have had two lovely afternoons at the park watching the ducks and enjoying the winter sunshine. Harry absolutely loves being outdoors just like his parents and he also loves animals and wildlife, so everyone is happy spending an afternoon like this. There are so many ducks at our local mere and they are so tame, they come right up to you to see if you have any bread. 

This is a picture that my husband took today of Mr and Mrs Duck aka Trevor and Mavis. We actually think that Mr Duck looks like he is smiling. 
There are also 5 geese wondering around, I'm quite nervous of them after being bitten on the bottom by a goose when I was just two years old... I still have the scar so I hang well back, although Harry and Matthew get very close to them to take pictures and enjoy how cute and comical they are! 

And of course there is a play ground with all manor of things that I'm sure Harry will adore once he is toddling about, but for now he enjoys playing on the swings. 

Do you have a nice local park to go to? I'm quite ashamed that I have lived in this area for 13 years and I have only just discovered what a lovely afternoon you can have there. I look forward to more walks and picknicks there over the next few months. 

Monday 2 February 2015

Birth Story

I've decided after seeing quite a few birth stories floating around that I would do ours, its taken me quite a long time to deal with the emotional stress of giving birth, not that it was a bad birth as it wasn't but just the dealing with what actually happened to my body really!

On the 8th of may 2014 at 38 weeks pregnant I decided that enough was enough, I was done with feeling fat and frumpy and un able to take a deep breath! I took the dogs for a long walk, drank raspberry leaf tea, ate spicy food and the other thing that we all know brings on labour but don't necessarily like to take about on social media! The following morning (the 9th) I woke with a few twinges and mild period pain, I didn't think much and carried on about my day, we had recently moved into a new house that was still being renovated and we were living mostly upstairs and in our living room, other than that it was a building site. 

By around 10am I thought that something could be happening but the pain wasn't that bad, I called my husband and told him and he carried on at work as normal as we both felt that there was no rush. I carried on, walked the dogs (very slowly) did some housework and changed the bed as I knew that I probably wasn't going to be doing any housework for a while! My husband arrived home at 2pm and the pain was a little worse so I rang the hospital, they felt that if I was ok at home for now then I should stay put and keep busy for as long as possible, this rang true with what we both wanted too. 

As the afternoon progressed so did the pain but I wasn't in enough pain to really worry I could still move around happily and talk through each contraction. We did normal things and got excited about what was going to happen soon, we even ate lunch and dinner! Although bu around 7pm I was getting a little anxious that nothing else was happening, my contractions were every 6 minuets and painful so we took a trip to the hospital to put our mind at rest. I was examined and was told that if i was happy to I could go home for the night try and sleep and see how I was the next day. That night was the longest of my life I was anxious in pain and feeling suddenly a little to aware about what I was going to do in the next few hours. by 5am I hadn't slept and the pain was really bad, I rang the hospital who said I could come in, I don't really know why but i suddenly decided that sleep was needed and I slept for two hours! When I woke I got up for a wee and realised that I wasn't having a wee at all and that my waters had gone! It wasn't what I expected at all! it was trickling not gushing and I felt like I was having a very long wee! we jumped into the truck (i say jumped more like waddled holding onto a towl that i could sit on to save the seats!) we didn't talk much on the way to the hospital it wasn't what I had planned I wanted to have done my hair and be wearing something half decent, the reality was that I was a mess who looked like she had peed herself!

I was examined and told I was 5cm dilated, I was quite disappointed but I was also relieved that I wasn't going to give birth too soon! I spent the morning wandering around my room and chatting to my husband, the midwives left us alone most of the time and checked on me every hour. At 1pm I enquired about pain relief even though I had been addiment that I wouldn't have any at all! I had gas and air and although it didn't help the pain it did help me to relax through each contraction. after another hour I was told I could get in the birthing pool, this was amazing it nearly took all the pain away. After just over an hour in the pool they got me out to examine me, I was still just 5cm! They could feel that all my waters hadn't gone and proceeded to brake them, after that I don't remember much, I lay on the floor in agony unable to get back in the pool. To me this felt like it went on for an hour but my husband informs me that it was 2.5 hours! He said it was horrific to watch and although I didn't scream I made my discomfort very clear!

At last they allowed me back in the pool, I immediately said I can't do this anymore, everyone in the room stated to look very excited, apparently when women feel like this its not long before they start pushing. Sure enough I wanted to push, I hadn't realised that this urge would be so strong! I gave up on gas and air as I was starting to feel light headed and sick. After 3 pushes I could feel the most unnatural thing ever the midwife said if I push once more then the babies head would be out. I felt like my pelvis had been cut in half! But I still managed to have a sense of humor according to my husband.  Two pushes later and harry was born, I wanted a very natural birth so hadn't had the injection to make me deliver the placenta. Now it was just a waiting game, I stayed in the water for quite a while holding Harry in my arms, I couldn't believe the instant love it hit me like a ton of bricks! Once I had delivered the placenta I got out of the pool and lay on the bed watching my husband have some skin to skin time with Harry. That I can safely say was the most perfect thing I had ever seen. 

I had some trouble breastfeeding and wasn't treated very well about it, I didn't stay in hospital for long I went home where o got to grips with breast feeding and I'm still doing it now at nearly 9 months old. 

Harry is the most perfect baby and I couldn't love him more. My birth story still makes me feel anxious now but it hasn't put me off we will definitely (if we can) have more babies. 

I hope you enjoyed reading my birth story. 

Sunday 25 January 2015

January blues...

I I don't think I will be alone when I talk about the "January blues" with all the excitement of Christmas behind us, no sign of spring coming any time soon and the obligatory "healthy eating" January can really drag by. 
Earlier this week I found myself feeling quite out of sorts, Harry had yet another cold and we were house bound once more. I absolutely love being at home and can happily spend a week and not leave the house, however if the choice is taken away and I have to stay at home I get a real case of cabin fever. So I thought I would put together a little list of things that you can do for free or on a budget that will help get rid of the January blues. 

1. Get some fresh air, we have three Labradors that need plenty of exercise so it's time to get those welly boots on and go for a good long march around, it never fails to boost my mood and Harry's! 

2. Eat well, I find the whole healthy eating a bit of a mission, I'm far to tempted by chocolate biscuits! However I have found that eating 5 a day plus having the odd treat too realy helps me to feel happier during the winter months. This week we have eaten loads of spinach and both myself and the Husbando have really felt a difference. 

3. Take naps!! This is something that I find rather difficult but I have been working on it. Obviously if you work full time or your baby refuses naps this can be hard but if there is a nap opportunity then take it! It always makes me feel happier and more able to deal with the lack of daylight and how cold it's been. 

4. Embrace winter! Look at the positives of winter, snuggly nights in,
Comfort food (cassaroles with loads of veg are a personal favourite of mine) watching films and staying in your pjs at weekend! None of these things are the same during the summer months so make the most of it now. 

5. Being spring into your home. Fresh flowers always make me happy so I try to make sure I always have some. And if your on a budget morrosons sell daffodils for just £1! Perfect to cheer up your home. 

6. Make some time for you, it doesn't matter what this is for me it's painting my nails or reading a book. Take an hour and just spend it on you. As a mother I don't get much time to myself but when I do I sure make the most of it! 

7. Have a date night with your husband/partner this never fails to make a long hard week with a teething baby seem better. I think it's so important to make time for each other with no phones or distractions just the two of you. We don't go out much so often have date night at home. We get party food and listen to music and dance around the lounge! Perfection. 

I hope you like my ways to avoid the winter blues... What are yours I'd love to know? 

Monday 19 January 2015

Our Wedding Day

Today I thought that i would do a non mummy post and write about our wedding day instead.
My husband (Matthew) and I got married on the 28th of September 2013,  it was a perfect day, the weather was beautiful and warm, all our guests were wonderful and the most perfect thing of all, I got to marry my best friend and soul mate.

We had a small wedding, just 26 people including us! For us we felt that we wanted it to be personal and quiet, neither myself or hubby are very sociable people so just a small gathering of close friends and family was perfect. The ceremony was held on a small estate in a beautiful barn, we wanted a shabby chic feel and little fuss. I had never dreamed of a big wedding or ever getting married at all, however when my husband and I got together (after 4 years of fancying the pants off him) I knew straight away that I wanted to marry him....luckily he felt the same!

The ceremony was beautiful, very romantic, funny at times and I don't think that anyone had a dry eye, I cried on and off through happiness and laughter the whole way through! We didn't get married until 4pm, what a wait that was! I think that if we could change one thing about the day we would have done it earlier, so we didn't have to wait so long to tie the knot!

I got ready at my parents home with two good friends, we didn't have anyone out to do our makeup but my hairdresser did wash a dry my hair along with putting flowers in my hair. Getting ready with these girls was so much fun and I loved it. Then it was a quick emotional moment with my dad before hopping into his land rover defender and off to the venue!

After the ceremony we ate cakes drank champagne and generally just enjoyed everyones company, Matthew and I just swooned over one another and enjoyed keeping our secret (I was 6 weeks pregnant with Harry) as the afternoon rolled into the evening we had a quiet walk around the estate park with our photographer, before going back to the venue for roast beef!

I hope that you have enjoyed reading about our wedding day, this and the day Harry was born will always be the best days of my life, but best of all I've been able to do it with Matthew, yes we argue sometimes and of course we get on each others nerves from time to time but none of that matters, being married to him is perfect and I look forward to us looking back on this day when we are old and grey and have lots of grandchildren.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Mummy Must Have's (0-9 months)

Hi everyone I'm so sorry that I haven't blogged in what seems like ages! I feel as though I have been so busy yet have nothing to show for it! I thought that I would write a blog post about the things that I have found essential with a baby from birth up to 9 months, I read a similar post while I was pregnant with Harry, some of the things I read about were great, others didn't work for me so please take what you wish from this post but, I'm sure that you other mummy's out there will have other rings that you find "essential" and please feel free to leave a comment as I always love to hear about new products!

My No.1 essential for having a baby has been my husband, without him I really couldn't be the mother that I am. He has given me so much love and support over the last 8 and a bit months. I'm also very lucky that his job and hard work has enabled me to be a stay at home mum and that is truly just the best!

 No.2 essential is this (pictured below) we call him Freddy firefly and Harry has loved him from when he was about a month old, and he still loves playing with him now. I adore these Lamaze toys, not only are they reasonably priced but they also keep babies occupied for what seems ages!

 No.3 essential is the co sleeping bed (I don't have a picture as it has now been packed away) we brought a beautiful mosses basket for harry to sleep in but he hated it! I would have such a job putting him down in it that after 3 days of persevering we stared to scan the internet for an alternative. We found our co sleeping bed on mamma's and Papa's website, although I think that mother care are also as a stockist. The bed cost around £150 and it attaches to your bed so that you can feed your baby and then simply slide them into their bed! It was a life changer and Harry slept in it right up until the week that he turned 8 months, he has since gone into his own bed in his own room without a problem! I would recommend this to anyone especially if you breast feed!

No.4 essential isn't a product but more a state of mind. RELAX!!!! Don't put pressure on yourself to be the worlds best mother! So many mums find it almost a competition, its not all mothers are in this together and it doesn't matter what you do as long as its right for your family it doesn't matter! I got very uptight in the first few weeks to have a clean house, be dressed, walk the dogs, be on top of the laundry, none of that matters! just snuggle your baby and then once you've found your feet then you can try and have a routine. So to anyone who is a new mum don't feel guilty about the housework and certainly don't compare yourself to any other mums. despite how you feel you will be doing a great job.

No.5 essential is this (pictured bellow) a jumparoo! I swore that I would not have a house full of plastic crap, but alas I do and the jumparoo although big and ugly is brilliant. Harry started to use it when he was 4 months and he still loves it now! He will happily bounce in it for an hour at a time, enough time to cook dinner our just sit and have a cup of tea! Brilliant invention! I would really recommend getting one if you haven't already.

No.6 essential is nipple cream, if you breast feed you will get through quite a bit in the first few weeks! I tried several different brands but the one I found the best is Lansinoh HPA Lanolin nipple cream, its quite expensive but its worth every penny! It was the only cream that I could find that you didn't have to wash off before feeding your baby. If you are planning on breast feeding then I would try this as it made sic a difference.

They are my 6 essentials from 0-9 months, I would love to know what you couldn't live without, please leave a comment and let me know what your essentials are.
I hope you enjoyed this post and I promise that I wont leave it so long before I blog again! 

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Current daily routine

I have always enjoyed reading daily routines on various different blogs so I thought that I would give it a go and write my daily routine. I would just like to say that this is just the routine if it's a normal Monday-Friday day when my husband is at work. Obviously the routine is different at weekends or holidays.

Wake up and either go to Harry who is already awake or I wake him, I don't like to let him sleep longer as it then puts the whole day out of rhythm! 
I then go downstairs turn on the lights and open the blinds, arrange some toys for Harry to play with while I put the laundry on and empty the dishwasher. 

Breakfast.. I always try to eat all my meals with Harry or Harry and Matthew if he is home from work. I was brought up to always sit at the table and talk about plans for the day etc. 
at the moment Harry is having half a slightly mashed banana and a baby biscuit or rusk for breakfast, I have porridge with half a banana and a sprinkle of cinnamon a cup of tea and a pint of water. 

Nap time! I give Harry a milk feed (I am still breastfeeding) and then put him in his cot, he is usually still awake, he will cry for a couple of minuets and then go to sleep. 
Now I run around like a mad woman and tidy the house, clean the kitchen and bathroom,  vacuum and have a shower. This usually takes me just over an hour, I then either write a blog post, play with the dogs, do any extra cleaning like the fridge or even some cooking if I can prepare for the evening supper.

Harry wakes up and I go up get him dressed make the beds and give him another milk feed. We then go and play for a while before I prepare lunch. 

12 .
Lunch time, Harry is currently having either some fruit puree or one of Ella's kitchen baby food pouches. I was very negative about these pre made baby foods however Harry won't eat anything I make for him especially if it contains meat! Not sure what that says about my cooking! 
Generally I have either a bagel with ham and cheese or tuna a few slices of cucumber and a few cherry tomatoes and a yoghurt for pudding. 

Usually around this time Harry will either take another nap at home or we will go out and he will sleep on the journey, if we are at home this is the time where I have a cup of tea or coffee and read. He will nap for about 90 minuets.

As soon as Harry wakes up he has a nappy change and a milk feed, then we head out for a walk with our three dogs. Tilly bongo, Kai and jake. They are Labradors that live outside (in an insulated kennel) all three of them are working dogs so need plenty of exercise. 

By now my husband is normally home and he plays with Harry while I get dinner on, we aim to eat around 5.30 (ish) 

Dinner is served! This is one of my favourite times of the day, all three of us eating together talking and making Harry giggle. It's quality time, no phones, no TV, no interruptions. Absolute bliss! If not a little messy! 

Harry has his bath and a bedtime story.

Harry's bedtime! He has a milk feed and then gets put down in his cot in his own bedroom. He usually talks to his teddy bears for 5 minutes before falling asleep. 

Our time! This time is treasured, just me and my husband, time for chatting watching soaps (unfortunately I'm addicted to emmerdale and eastenders) or just generally relaxing. This time for parents is bliss. 

Bedtime, by this time I'm exhausted so it's off to bed and ready to start the day all over again. 

I hope that you have enjoyed reading my daily routine, I'd love to hear yours, please leave a comment! 

Tuesday 6 January 2015

My first baby...

I thought I would do a blogpost on my first baby... Well fur baby anyway! I've owned Demi my gorgeous Irish draft x Dutch warmblood mare. I've now owned Demi for 10 years! She is the product of my blood, sweat and tears. When I got Demi I was 16 and she was 6, Demi was a real handful, she bucked, reared, bolted and basically did anything she could to try and kill me! I was a fairly experienced rider at 15/16 and wasn't scared of anything, until Demi came into my life.

Demi came to me after my first pony - a trusty new Forrest pony called twiggy. Had died, I was as you can imagine heartbroken, and I most certainly didn't handle it in the best plops single way! However I had found a horse to go and view to buy to take my mind of things. Off we went to try this horse out, she was lovely but really didn't light that spark that I was looking for. When we got back to the yard I noticed a slightly crazy looking horse, I wondered over and instantly fell in love. The owner said that she was also for sale and that I could try her if I wanted... So I did! I fell off twice and fell in love, we took Demi home that same day. 

We have had our ups and downs, not to mention trips to A&E! But we are partners, when I ride her I feel like there's nothing I couldn't do. She has been therapy, a confident and at many times my only friend. I could never part with her, she is on loan while Harry is small, but I look forward to having her back one day and continuing our journey. 

10 years on our lives have changed a bit, Demi is with a lovely loan home (I could never sell her) so that I can enjoy being a mummy to a non fur baby, I miss her and all the time I used to spend with her, but Harry and my husband come first, although I look forward to having her home one day. Demi is now a safe good natured horse, she is kind and loving a little crazy and most definitely a drama queen! 

       (Sorry this pic was taken on my phone hence bad quality) 

I hope that you have enjoyed this post, please let me know what you think and if you would like to hear anything else on my blog.