Sunday 25 January 2015

January blues...

I I don't think I will be alone when I talk about the "January blues" with all the excitement of Christmas behind us, no sign of spring coming any time soon and the obligatory "healthy eating" January can really drag by. 
Earlier this week I found myself feeling quite out of sorts, Harry had yet another cold and we were house bound once more. I absolutely love being at home and can happily spend a week and not leave the house, however if the choice is taken away and I have to stay at home I get a real case of cabin fever. So I thought I would put together a little list of things that you can do for free or on a budget that will help get rid of the January blues. 

1. Get some fresh air, we have three Labradors that need plenty of exercise so it's time to get those welly boots on and go for a good long march around, it never fails to boost my mood and Harry's! 

2. Eat well, I find the whole healthy eating a bit of a mission, I'm far to tempted by chocolate biscuits! However I have found that eating 5 a day plus having the odd treat too realy helps me to feel happier during the winter months. This week we have eaten loads of spinach and both myself and the Husbando have really felt a difference. 

3. Take naps!! This is something that I find rather difficult but I have been working on it. Obviously if you work full time or your baby refuses naps this can be hard but if there is a nap opportunity then take it! It always makes me feel happier and more able to deal with the lack of daylight and how cold it's been. 

4. Embrace winter! Look at the positives of winter, snuggly nights in,
Comfort food (cassaroles with loads of veg are a personal favourite of mine) watching films and staying in your pjs at weekend! None of these things are the same during the summer months so make the most of it now. 

5. Being spring into your home. Fresh flowers always make me happy so I try to make sure I always have some. And if your on a budget morrosons sell daffodils for just £1! Perfect to cheer up your home. 

6. Make some time for you, it doesn't matter what this is for me it's painting my nails or reading a book. Take an hour and just spend it on you. As a mother I don't get much time to myself but when I do I sure make the most of it! 

7. Have a date night with your husband/partner this never fails to make a long hard week with a teething baby seem better. I think it's so important to make time for each other with no phones or distractions just the two of you. We don't go out much so often have date night at home. We get party food and listen to music and dance around the lounge! Perfection. 

I hope you like my ways to avoid the winter blues... What are yours I'd love to know? 


  1. Love it :-) were off to center Parcs to beat our January blues! But going to the gym definitely cheers me up! Only after though lol x

    1. That sounds like a great way to beat the January blues! We have one near us but I've never been! Have a wonderful day! And for sure exercise makes you feel so much better but only afterwards! X

  2. Loving reading your posts baby xxx

    1. Thank you darling! I'm really enjoying doing it! Couldn't have done it without your support thoigh 😘 x

  3. Lovely to see your blog Sophie :) Ah i get the January blues too. Loved reading this, totally agree on all these things. Luckily my birthday is in January which makes it a bit better for me! But i'd rather have my birthday at a nicer time of year haha x

    1. Thank you Beth, Having a birthday in January must help! X
