Tuesday 16 June 2015

Harry's 13 month update

Harry turned 13 months on the 10th of June, originally I wasn't going to do an update as there had been no major changes but on the 10th Harry took his first steps on his own! 

I'm so super proud of him, he has gone from just holding a finger to walking and nearly running on his own. 

I'm pretty sure that I have said this each month but this phase is my favourite! Watching him turn into a toddler is the most fun, I love watching him expire things at a new level. 

Another change is that Harry is now back to two naps again! I'm sure he just keeps changing to keep me on my toes! We seem however to be in a really good routine now and we are all happier for it. I'm the sort of person who thrives from routine and knowing what comes next. 

Harry is also now eating a much wider range of foods, he loves pasta and the messier the sauce the better. 

Harry is still waking once or twice a night for a milk feed from me and I am still breastfeeding 3 times a day. Basically before each nap and then at bedtime. As much as I want to start to drop the breast feeding I also want to continue until we are both ready. In the short time I have been a parent I have learn that if you force something before you are both ready you make things worse and so much harder. 

Harry is still in 12-18 month clothes and 5+ nappies. He has 4 front teeth and is as gorgeous and perfect as ever. 

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