Friday 28 August 2015


I haven't blogged in what seems forever, that's not because I haven't wanted too but more because I haven't felt that I had anything I wanted to blog about... Obviously I could talk all day about Harry and how much I love being his mum but I'm pretty sure the small audience I'm writing to would get tired of that. However I do want to blog about this, and this has been on my mind for some time, I haven't realised that I needed to write about it until today. 

I have recently been feeling an extreme sense of calm, and over the last few months I have mistaken that feeling for numbness or confusion or tiredness however I've discovered that I'm actually just happy. This isn't because everything is going the way I want in life or that I'm a millionaire in fact at times it's been quite the opposite. However I'm happy. I don't feel angry about anything really and if I do feel angry it's brief and passes without me even showing an emotion other than smiling to myself. For those of you that know me will be aware that I am prone to a major drama queen melt down from time to time. However suddenly this doesn't seem to happen. I've discovered that the reason behind this is because my happiness is strong, and that criticism, nastiness or unfortunate events can't stop me from being happy because I've chosen to be happy. 

I've always been a glass half full kind of girl and I know that my positive vibes can irritate people but I guess that's just who I am and I'm ok with that. In fact I'm ok with who I am. I don't think I'm perfect far from it in fact. But I'm ok and happy to be me. The reason I felt the need to blog about this is because I have never felt ok with who I am and the fact that I do now is quite momentous. I'm glad I am the way I am, I don't like my negative attributes but I accept them for being me and actually it's ok. My life is far from perfect and I'm far from perfection yet I'm finding myself to be so happy every single day. Not all day but for the most part I am happy. 

I wonder if this feeling of content will last? I think it will and I certainly hope it does . But for now I just want to enjoy this feeling of being happy being me. It's something I've never experienced and realising what this feeling is is really wonderful. 

I also know that I will probably get some stick for this post, people may misunderstand me and think that I'm preaching or boasting but I'm not I just needed to put this into words. 

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