Thursday 21 May 2015

Things are changing.

Since becoming a mother I have realised that you have to be able to adapt to constant change, some of which you are ready for and some you are so not prepared for. I have found that with Harry, he is always ready for the next step and I am left trying to catch up and adjust to the "new" thing. 

For me I am now going through the "new" thing that I have found the hardest to deal with so far, Harry has now gone from two good naps a day to one quite short one! This has come as such a shock and something that I'm not remotely ready for! I had been very lucky and been able to have two hours to myself in the morning then another hour in the afternoon (I'm sure that some parents will really envy that!) although Harry thinks he is ready for this sudden napping change I can see that he isn't quite as ready as he thinks but no power I posses can change his mind. The last 10 days have been challenging, with tantrums, tears and not much sleep and that's just been me! However I now feel as though we are both settling into the new routine and although I'm missing my me time I'm hopeful that Harry might now sleep through the night... Haha I know silly to think this right! 

The next big thing that will happen is walking, Harry isn't quite there yet but I can see it on the horizon. 

How do you lovely parents cope with change? For me it brings on anxiety and OCD both things I have always suffered with. Or perhaps my OCD didn't show so much when I had more time to complete my cleaning tasks during the day who knows?! 

I'd love to hear about the changes that your babies and you yourself are going through. 

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